Kids Playing With Rocks

Collector Spotlights

Collector Spotlight: Valentin Drouillot

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Iโ€™ve been seriously collecting minerals since 2019 when I was 20, but I technically had a collection for longer than that. My passion for minerals was built through a very long time : When I was 3, My dad showed me a documentary made as a tribute for the French volcanologists Maurice and Katia Kraft, I couldnโ€™t stop to watch it over and over again, leading to me being obsessed by volcanoes when I was a small child. When I learned to read, it started by books about volcanoes, later it was books about dinosaurs, and astronomy, oceanography etc. I was a little earth science nerd until I was 14 when I developed a passion for aviation. My poor mom had to buy tons of books because of how curious I was for earth sciences !

At the time, my grandma had a mineral collection. We loved talking about the minerals she had, looking at a mineralogy book I still have today, and even drawing some specimens! I inherited her collection when she unfortunately passed away in 2013 and decided to keep it, even If I was not into minerals or earth sciences at the time, I still felt very attached to this collection. Fast forward to 2018, even though I had a part of my life in wich earth sciences didnโ€™t interest me, I quickly realized that it was basically everything I truly loved : I was always very good in sciences at school, so I started a geology bachelor degree with tons of petrology, mineralogy and cristallography courses.

I loved everything about these courses and the degree (well, at least everything that was related to geology), and I started to ยซdig ยป more and more into my grandmaโ€™s collection to identify everything, since it was completely unlabeled. The collection was full of classic specimens from Ojuela, Mibladen, Madagascar etc., this was around the time I discovered Mindat which greatly helped me during the identification of the minerals and I quickly became obsessed by mineralogy. In March 2019, I went to my first show in Paris, I talked to a few sellers and I bought my first specimens that I still keep today, and Iโ€™ve been collecting ever since.

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I didnโ€™t have any focuses when I started, I bought anything I liked and especially what suited my tight budget. This greatly changed after joining YMC and when I started to see what I really like, now I donโ€™t have one single focus in my collection, but rather three. The first one ยซ thumbnails and miniatures from Africa ยป, with an accent to Namibia. I actually really like the diversity found in Africa, and the geological and mining history of this continent is fascinating. The Otavi mountain land, and the Erongo mountains in Namibia are among my favorite localities, just for the diversity and complexity of whatโ€™s found there.

The second one is ยซ thumbnails and miniatures of Alpine minerals ยป, minerals from the European alps or from regions with an Alpine clefts mineralogy. I started to grow an interest for these minerals when I started to see Gwindels, Faden quartz, and Chlorite coated specimens. Theyโ€™re just extremely cool, and the fact that the mineralogy is partially controlled by paleogeography is mind blowing for me.

Finally, the third focus of my collection is ยซ Thumbnails from the US ยป but it has a twist, since I need to get at aleast one thumbnail specimen from each state in the US. For the moment, I have one for : New York, Arizona, New Mexico, California, North Carolina, Utah, Connecticut and Arkansas. I should receive the Idaho and a couple others really soon. The thumbnail collection is a truly American style of collecting, and Iโ€™m amazed by the diversity of minerals found in this country, so I wanted to have both of these ideas in a suite for my collection.

I noticed that the majority of the minerals Iโ€™m getting that are out of these three focuses are from the Asiatic continent, so Iโ€™m even considering on making a focus out of these minerals from Asia, or making an ยซ occasional suite ยป for them. In general, I only collect thumbnails and small miniatures, I find bigger specimens a bit too expensive for my taste, and the smaller ones are definitely prettier in my opinion.

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Iโ€™m currently a geology student, I got a first degree in 2020, and Iโ€™ll start the second year of my master degree in metallogeny and exploration geology. All the field camps that I had to do made me love hiking in general, among all the places Iโ€™ve seen, one of my favorite was the Bourg dโ€™Oisans region (Isรจre, France). I had the luck to do multiples hikes to very famous places for their mineralogy, like ยซ le Plan du lac ยป in Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans, which is the type locality of Anatase ; but also ยซ La combe de la Selle ยป in the same city, which is famous for the incredible Prehnites produced during the 70โ€™s to 90โ€™s and also for being Axiniteโ€™s type locality.

Iโ€™m also a scuba diver, while I only have my PADI Open water certification for the moment, I plan to get a little deeper in the future, and become an advanced open water diver. Among the countries I had the luck to dive in, thereโ€™s Turkey, Crete, Mexico, and Dominican republic.

For more casual activities, I like taking pictures of my minerals. While Iโ€™m far from having the material for professional photography, I still really enjoy doing it, I even managed to win the first prize of my Universityโ€™s photography competition of this year with a photograph of my Okorusu Fluorite.

And lastly, I love video games ! Iโ€™ve always been a console player, on the PlayStation, now on the fifth generation. What genre do I like the most ? Difficult to say, I love the games were you can just take it easy and explore, like No manโ€™s sky, or Elite dangerous that are both space exploration games or even games like Red dead redemption 2 that are just the absolute best for me. Survival games are also my thing, like Ark : survival evolved, or my new favorite game : Days gone.

I also love FPSs, my favorite probably being Battlefield 4. Iโ€™m currently highly hyped by the new BF2042 coming this year.

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The people that know me probably already guessed the answer : Descloizite, specifically the ones from Berg Aukas (Namibia). This mineral can be fascinating : It can get very varied shapes with big arrowheads when found in Berg Aukas, it can also form bladed crystals reminiscent of flowers. While itโ€™s often found in a dark coloration, it can have some very nice colors, from red to yellow, with tints of brown. Itโ€™s very lustrous, from metallic to almost adamantine (extra sparkly) ! And cherry on the cake, itโ€™s a relatively rare mineral with a not so well constrained geology, which makes it super cool for me. This mineral deserves more love !

If I had to choose an other species for the second place, it would be Prehnite : varied shapes from tabular to acicular to botryoidal crystals, the associated minerals can also have a lot of variation depending of the host rock the prehnite formed in, which makes it a must have I think. While Iโ€™m not a huge fan of the Mali Prehnites, Iโ€™m addicted by the ones associated with Byssolite and Epidote from la Combe de la Selle, Isรจre, France.

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Iโ€™m mostly a stay-at-home collector, but Iโ€™m what I call an ยซ opportunistic field collector ยป : I collect minerals on the field when I go there for the field camps and field trips with my university. Last time, I went in the south of France to determinate the origins of Ba-Cu-F deposits, and managed to get some Baryte specimens during sample collecting. I also did a bit of rockhounding when I was in vacations in the alps, and managed to find a few quartz points, but nothing major. On the other hand, it seems that I have better luck with fossils : I managed to get a great Pyrite coated Gryphaea dilatata shell during my stay in Normandy back in 2019.

Iโ€™d love to do some more serious field collecting, but I donโ€™t have a lot of time and I unfortunately donโ€™t know enough French collectors to go on collecting trips.

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My Siderite with Quartz and Dolomite specimen from the Mรฉsage mine, Saint-Pierre-de-Mรฉsage, Isรจre, France. I directly got it from Grรฉgoire de Bodinat whoโ€™s the owner of the mine, we talked a lot about minerals, he showed me his personal collection with an amazing display of alpine minerals and specimens of his own mine, overall a wonderful interaction. This specimen comes from a limited pocket of gem green Siderite, covered with Quartz and Dolomite crystals, the luster is amazing, the color too, and it just glows when exposed to any kind of light. The Siderite quality of this mine is on par with all the other top tier Siderite localities like Morro Velho (Brazil), and this is a really decent example. This specimen is basically a great souvenir from an awesome trip in the French alps, and I definitely canโ€™t let it go.

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Iโ€™ve been to a few French shows, all of them were rather small though, I went to the ones in Paris, Nancy, Jouy-en-Josas, Issoire, and Thionville. My favorite part is probably talking to the sellers, itโ€™s just refreshing to talk to people that have the same passion, the same enthusiasm as us, and just talk about the specimens they sell, how they got them etc.

Iโ€™d love to go to Tucson one day, because of how glorious and huge this show must be ! Iโ€™d like to also go to SMAM one day, I wasnโ€™t able to get there in 2019 and we all know what happened to the 2020 and 2021 editions. The Munich show is also on my list, and I should get there this year.